Pastiche / That's R & B‐Bop (1984) - Vinyl DJ AKI

Pastiche / That's R & B‐Bop (1984)

1. 1300回記念

Today, ”1300 times” Memorial Blog



本日の救出品 LP
皆さん大好きシリ-ズ 第1300弾
Pastiche / That's R & B‐Bop (1984)

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2. Sandy Cressman”からボイスメッセ-ジ

メンバ-の”Sandy Cressman”さんのボイスメッセ-ジと、詳細な解説で、日本では初めて皆さんへ、ご紹介いたします。存分にお楽しみください

”Sandy Cressman”さんのグル-プの説明です
We were a quartet including myself (Sandy Sukhov Cressman), Becky West, Jenny Meltzer and Debbie Murphy.
Sandy CressmanJennifer Meltzer 02
Becky west 02

Debbie quit the group soon after we toured Japan in October and November of 1984. The three of us, myself, Beck and Jenny, continued as a group. 

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"That's R&Bebop" was licensed by Nova Records in 1987 and release in the United States. We recorded two more CDs, "Remember That" on Blueprint Records and "Pastiche" on Summit Records. 

We were in the midst of recording new material for a CD when Jenny became ill and passed away. We loved our time in Japan, it was unforgettable.

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We toured with the great Jazz Fusion group "Casiopea" and played 23 concerts in two months in 1984 and returned to Japan in 1992 to play at the Monterey Jazz Festival in Wakura (和倉), Not Prefecture.


3. Pasticheの経歴

サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアを拠点にした、ジャズ・女性ボーカル・グループ「Pastiche」、メンバ-は”Sandy Cressman”, ”Becky West”, ”Jenny Meltzer”,”Debbie Murphey”の4人組です

80年にサンフランシスコで結成、”アル・ジャロウ”と並ぶ、「器楽的唱法」を特徴として、”グラミ-賞・3冠”を達成した、偉大なジャズ歌手”Bobby McFerrin”に師事して、デビュ-を目指します


レコ-ドデビュ-は84年、カシオペアのバックでコ-ラスをした縁で、日本の「キャニオン」が企画、レコ-ディングはサンフランシスコで行い、日本盤としてアルバム「That's R & B-Bop」をリリ-スします

その後は”Debbie Murphey”が抜け、3人組になり、88年、90年(「That's R & B-Bop」のアメリカ発売)、2001年と3枚のアルバムをリリ-ス、素晴らしい歌唱力で活躍しました


4. アルバム「That's R & B‐Bop」

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バック演奏には「ローリング・ストーン誌の選ぶ、歴史上最も偉大なドラマー」において14位の”Vinnie Caliuta (Drms)”、”Dennis Budimir (G)””Bud Shank (Sax)”、”Pete Christlieb (Sax)”、”Joe Porcaro (Per)”など、超一流のミュ-ジシャンが招聘され、サンフランシスコで録音


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5. My Love So Sweet (愛しのエリ-)

”My Love So Sweet (愛しのエリ-)”

We was also requested by the the record company. 
We learned it was a popular Japanese song. Becky West, my colleague, wrote the English lyrics and sang the lead vocal.

Becky west 02
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サザンオールスターズの「いとしのエリ-」を軽やかにジャズ・アレンジ、”Becky West”が英語の作詞とリ-ドボ-カルを担当しました。”Sandy Cressman”さんのボイスメッセ-ジと共にお楽しみください

Pastiche - My Love So Sweet (愛しのエリ-) 


6. You're As Right As Rain

”You're As Right As Rain”

I (Sandy Sukhov Cressman) like many of the cover songs on "That's R&Bebop, our record label Pony/Canyon requested that we sing a version of what they told us was a Bob James song. 

I wrote the lyric to what I thought was an instrumental song. I just googled the song (there was no google in 1984) and found that the original song way by the Stylistics and had different lyrics.

Sandy Sukhov CressmanPatishe 02

”Linda Creed”と”Thom Bell”が共作、74年に”Nancy Wilson”が「全米・10位」と大ヒットさせた名曲、”Bob James”や”The Stylistics”のカバ-でも有名です

原詩を使わず、”Sandy Cressman”が作詞、素晴らしいリ-ド・ボ-カルを披露します

Pastiche - You're As Right As Rain

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7. Sweet Memory (松田聖子)

”Sweet Memory (松田聖子) ”

Our producer, Nic. tenBroek based his arrangement on "Walk Between the Raindrops" by Donald Fagen (from Steely Dan) from his album "Nightfly"

Regarding "Sweet Memory": Pony/Canyon also requested this song, which was a Japanese song. 

Jenny Meltzer wrote the English lyrics and sang the lead on this song.

Sadly, Jenny passed away in 2017 after a fight with cancer. We miss her very much.
Jennifer Meltzer 0215350457_10209857049136669_7493831470795435762_n_20200220184142db7.jpg

この曲のプロデュ-スは、”Donald Fagen”の名作アルバム「Nightfly」に収録の名曲「Walk Between the Raindrops」のアレンジを担当した”Nic. tenBroek”

”Jenny Meltzer”が英語の作詞とリ-ドボ-カルを担当しました。残念ながら2017年に急遽しました

Pastiche - Sweet Memory(松田聖子)



それだけに、「1300回記念」において、メンバ-の”Sandy Sukhov Cressman”から詳細な解説とボイスメッセ-ジをいただけたのが、最高の喜びです



8. リンク「メモリアル記事」


Enjoy !! DJ AKI





Author:DJ AKI
Professional DJ. Vinyl Collector over 20,000 vinyls

My DJ MIX is being broadcast on some Major FM & AM Radio Stations in Los Angeles, New York, and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Won The 1st In The Global Chart.over 15 DJ Mixes,You can check out my mixes on my Mixcloud page.

And also a serious Hard to find & Rare Vinyl collector with a collection of over 20,000 records.

My music blog since 2014 on which you can find over 1400 articles added on a daily basis.

DJ AKI is a former Japanese DJ of the 80 ’s, I was performing in Osaka most famous discotheques from 1979 to 1985.


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